CCA Best Practices Gathering Presentations

April 25, 2013

(Handouts are posted as they are received)

Presentation Handouts
Implementing SB 191 in an Online School – Presentation
Presenter: Dirk Oden, Monte Vista On-Line Academy

SB-191, which created a specific process for evaluating teachers and principals, presents both challenges and opportunities for online schools. How can online teacher competencies be demonstrated and measured through a Professional Practices rubric? How is Student Performance incorporated into the process? This session will focus on how one online school is attempting to implement SB-191. A draft evaluation calculator/report generator will be demonstrated.


  • PowerPoint
  • Professional Practices Rubric - Possible Evidence
  • Evaluation Calculator Sample Report
SB 213 Anecdotes and Implications for Online Schools
Presenter: Ben DeGrow, Independence Institute

SB 213 proposes to change a 20-year-old system of K-12 education funding, contingent on voter approval of a tax increase. Ben will share anecdotes from the legislative debates and analyze how SB 213 could impact online schools and students upon implementation, as well as discuss overlooked policy alternatives.


  • The Future of Colorado Digital Learning
  • Online course-Level Funding
What’s Language Got to Do With It?
Presenter: Dr. Kathryn Knox, COVA

Participants will engage with important and applicable strategies to help young people understand and use language better. Resources in two new inexpensive ebook resources will be shared:

a. A Teen’s Guide to the Conversation Game: helping young people improve daily conversation to improve perceptions, self esteem, and relationships

b. Language Soup: a Taste of How Diverse People around the World

  • Handout
The Role of Advocacy in Colorado's Online School Community and Partnerships
Presenters: Lori Cooney, Jill Hamilton and Tillie Ellvum, Colorado Coalition for Cyberschool Families

In the online model, parents, students, families, teachers, administrators, friends and supporters of online education must work together. Get some insight into how we work collaboratively across schools and the benefit and strength of the Coalition and CCA Partnership.

  • Messages Tip Sheet
  • Policymaker Tip Sheet
  • Stay Connected Tip Sheet
  • Request for Board Members
Characteristics and Outcomes of Students in Colorado's Full-Time Online School
Presenter: Amanda Heiney, CDE

The Colorado Department of Education has conducted a quantitative study to investigate educational history, performance and post-secondary outcomes of online students. This study occurred in conjunction with a survey study conducted by the University of Colorado-Denver that investigated affective characteristics of students who choose online schools. The results of both studies provide valuable insight into how full-time online schools may better serve their students.


Full Reports